We love to make you Look Good and Feel Great everyday, we also love having fun. We believe that games, challenges and fun activities are great ways to make you relax, let your hair down and and give you a general sense of wellbeing. We send out games and challenges periodical on our social media sites and invite you to take a break from your daily routine.
How to Participate in our Fun Games
We post often, on our various social media sites, challenges and games that are ultimately meant for you to enjoy and have fun. Since we love having fun with you!!! we throw in some discount promos to encourage maximum excitement and participation.
Whenever we post a game, mostly on Fridays, participants are entreated to provide answers to the challenge or game, through direct messaging on the various social media sites, by end of the day. Answers are typically provided the following day. All correct answers received by the time the answers are posted, give the participants the opportunity to enjoy percentage discounts on selected products or win other gift items during the following week.
Kindly note that evidence will be required to enjoy the discounts or win gifts and the only evidence that will be accepted will be answers sent via direct messaging before the answers are shared, unless otherwise stated.
With that said.... LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!!!!